Stage play - Christ and the Koran


 In the 90-minute stage play, a female student seeks a conversation with a Koran scholar and an Islamic leader in order to find out about the Koran and Islam because she is the girlfriend of a classmate of Islamic origin. He would like to learn more about the Bible and Christianity. That's why they involve their teacher. And then someone comes along who only quotes Jesus. All deal with theological, historical and social topics.
The objective of the entertaining play is education. That's why it's not just something for Christians and Muslims, but also for people of other faiths and atheists.

"Christ and the Koran" is also available in German.

Interview with the author about the play
The authors view
Interview-Autor-Jesus-Und-Koran.pdf (71.14KB)
Interview with the author about the play
The authors view
Interview-Autor-Jesus-Und-Koran.pdf (71.14KB)

Play to download in pdf-format
Christ and the Koran
Christ-and-the-Koran.pdf (753.04KB)
Play to download in pdf-format
Christ and the Koran
Christ-and-the-Koran.pdf (753.04KB)